Know Your Nature Series

See below for dates, specific program themes, and to register.

Talk with local experts about our local ecology, landscapes, environmental issues, flora and fauna, and our human interactions with the world that we are part of.

Fee: $7/Member, $10/Non-member, includes KNC admission.
Registration Deadline: Please register so we can plan for materials; day-of participants are welcome if the program is not at capacity.
Audience: Adults

Habitat Haven Trail September
Great horned owl

Owl Prowl with Laurel Ridgway
Thursday, March 20, 7-8:30 pm
Join KNC staff to learn what makes our nocturnal neighbors, the elusive owls, unique from other birds of prey. Following an informational presentation, we will hike along a KNC trail, call out to the owls, and see if we can spot any of KNC’s local owl species! Please dress suitably for an outdoor hike.

Register here >

Wild onion

 Foraging with Shaina Alvesteffer
Thursday, April 17 & Saturday, April 26, 5-6:30 pm

Foraging is a culinary adventure that connects us with nature, offering unique, edible treasures. Join KNC staff to learn some foraging basics all while searching for some tasty treats along KNC’s trails. Foraging on local land introduces us to a world of wild flavors. Approach it responsibly, respecting nature’s balance. Grab your basket, explore the wilderness, and let these wild ingredients inspire your culinary creations! Dress for the weather as this program will be entirely outdoors. Participants, please meet in Delano Farm parking lot to begin your program.

Register here for April 17 >

Register here for April 26 >