What is it? Community science is a collaboration between professional scientists and any member of the general public who is interested in protecting our environment. Through volunteering as a Community Scientist, people of all ages, experience levels, and interests work to help gather different kinds of data about nature. This data is used to advance research, advise land managers, and inform policy makers to understand our changing climate, the health of our natural resources, and the quality of our wildlife habitats. We welcome and invite you to join us!

Who can participate? Short answer: anyone and everyone! Community science is not defined by age, gender, racial identity, citizenship status, education, or physical ability.  The beauty of Community Science is that it requires little to no previous experience in the subjects you are interested in. We will train you! Whether you like staying inside or outside, there is a project that was designed with you in mind.
How do I get involved? Fill out a volunteer registration with your skills, interests, and weekly availability so we can match you with a project that is the best fit for you. If you do not see a project that matches up with your interests, please contact Jen Meilinger at and we will find a project that you will love!

Monarch Tagging program

MiBN – Butterfly Monitoring

Butterflies are key indicators of the health of ecosystems. The Michigan Butterfly Network seeks to assess the changing population status of our State’s butterfly species, evaluate the quality of Michigan ecosystems, and engage the public in significant citizen science research. We are always looking for new volunteers to join the team documenting our local butterflies!

Michigan Butterfly Network >

River Guardians

River Sampling

Twice a year, the River Guardians sample the Kalamazoo River for aquatic macroinvertebrates. By following the MiCorps protocol, the River Guardians are able to determine the water quality. This is possible because some macroinvertebrates are more sensitive to pollutants than others and by looking at individual occurrences it tells a story about the health of the watershed.

Register for our Spring Sampling Event >

Photo Monitoring

Help us monitor our restoration efforts in the Habitat Haven wetland! We’ve installed a Chronolog photo point on Ridge Run Trail overlooking Habitat Haven. Following the instructions on the Chronolog post you can submit a photo using your smartphone that will be added to a time lapse so that we can watch the landscape change as the restoration work progresses.

KNC Chronolog Post >

Winter Feeder Cardinals

Winter Feeder Survey

Help KNC study Michigan birds this winter! Do you have a birdfeeder visible from a window in your home or at your office? If so, you are perfectly equipped to participate in our Annual Winter Feeder Survey. From November through April, we ask our Michigan community to submit monthly information about the birds observed at their birdfeeders while following a simple protocol. The data gathered helps researchers better understand, protect, and conserve bird species that utilize Michigan habitats.

Learn More & Sign Up >

Chickadee on Snowman

Christmas Bird Counts

Grab your binoculars for the Annual Christmas Bird Count organized by the National Audubon Society. As the nation’s longest-running community science bird project, this data is essential for assessing the health of bird populations and guiding management decisions across North America. Join KNC in an organized excursion or observe on your own.

Find a count near you >

Monarch with tag

Monarch Tagging

KNC has been tagging Monarch butterflies for the Monarch Watch project since 2006 and could use your help! During the late summer months, we place special stickers, or tags, on the underside of the wing. Doing this allows researchers to answer very important questions about their population and migration habits. This makes a great program for all ages where the entire family can learn about these amazing creatures. Look for program details in our September program calendar!

Visit Monarch Watch >