Our Mission:

The Michigan Butterfly Network seeks to assess the changing population status of our state’s butterfly species, evaluate the quality of Michigan ecosystems, and engage the Michigan public in significant community science research. Join the Michigan Butterfly Network on Facebook >

About Us

The Michigan Butterfly Network is a butterfly conservation program of the Kalamazoo Nature Center based in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The Michigan Butterfly Network’s primary function is a community science based butterfly monitoring initiative involving partner cities across the state. Since 2011, community scientists (people like you!) have been gathering vital data on our local butterfly populations.

Butterflies are powerful indicators of the quality and health of ecosystems. Sensitive to land use and habitat changes, many of our butterfly species have been declining in abundance due to habitat loss, fragmentation, and climate change. We must monitor both common and rare butterflies during the summer months and we need your help!

Karner Blue Butterfly
Monarch with tag

Get Involved

Monarch Tagging with the Michigan Butterfly Network
Fee: $7/Member, $10/Non-Member
Audience: All ages/Families | Please register at the links below.

Tuesdays, September 10 and September 17  1-3PM
Saturdays, September 14 and September 21  1-3PM

Join KNC researchers for our beginner-friendly monarch tagging days and help in this vital effort to conserve the species! Much of what we’ve discovered about the monarch’s remarkable migration, including routes, timing and pace, and rates of mortality throughout their journey have come from these organized tagging efforts.

butterfly monitoring

Butterfly Monitoring

Many Michigan butterfly species have drastically declined in numbers due to habitat loss, fragmentation, and climate change.  In order to gain insight on butterfly population patterns and trends, we need to monitor butterflies in the field when they are most active. If you are interested in this vital citizen science initiative, please register for our spring training sessions.

Learn more & register >

Swallowtail on thistle

Partner With Us

We love partnering with like-minded organizations who wish to play a larger role in training citizen scientists and monitoring butterflies within the natural areas in their communities. Creating these vital links enables a more accurate representation of butterfly population data to be collected and we can work together toward better management practices to keep Michigan’s butterfly populations thriving.


Contact the Michigan Butterfly Network

Contact KNC's Michigan Butterfly Network

Sign up for the Michigan Butterfly Network ENewsletter

Learn more about field trips, programs, trainings and other butterfly-related topics!

Sign up for the Michigan Butterfly Network's Enewsletter