The best time of the year has started again, Kleinstuck surveys! This past week most of the surveys were performed by a capable volunteer while I was away for Spring break vacation. There were 47 species found during March with no real surprises except maybe the Brown Thrasher which is a little earlier than normal. This last weekend there were bunches of Golden-crowned Kinglets which are one of my favorites. They are always in constant motion flitting around while flicking their wings and usually always with a few friends (you usually don’t see just one). I am always amazed that a bird that weighs a little more than a hummingbird will stay in this area for the winter feeding on over wintering insects and withstanding cold temperatures. Fox Sparrows were also found on the first week of surveys and are the first true migrants that travel through our area. An individual or two may overwinter in our area but most go to the southern United States for the winter and are migrating through now to their breeding grounds in Northern Canada.
– John Brenneman, KNC Senior Avian Biologist
pictured: Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satrapa), courtesy Canva