Conservation Biology Photo Highlights
Bird Banding
Heronwood students visit the bird banding barn in the fall to learn how the KNC tracks migrating bird populations, and they get to see bird banding in action.
Nature’s Way Preschool
Conservation Biology students visit Nature’s Way preschool to teach the littles about stream macroinvertebrates.
Forest Carbon Project Presentation
Students presenting their forest carbon project findings at an Earth Day event. During this project, students learn how forests can be used to mitigate climate change.
Field Trip to Sarett Nature Center
Taking a field trip to Sarett Nature Center where we learn about endangered butterflies and wetland habitats.
Sweep Netting
Students conducted sweep netting to collect insects, then identified the insects to calculate the biodiversity at Heronwood.
Climate Activists
Local climate activists were visiting class to share what climate projects are currently underway.
Heronwood Envirothon Team
The Heronwood Envirothon team placed first place at the regional competition! They competed against other high school teams in a scholastic environmental studies quiz.
Removing Invasive Plants
Students remove large invasive plants from our property to make our forest healthier.
Student Work Highlights
Climate Action Project
Students each came up with a climate action project that helped to mitigate a local climate change issue. This student implemented this plan to reduce food waste at Kalamazoo Central High School.
Bee House Project
For her independent project, this student built bee hotels to help support local pollinator populations. These bee houses were built from recycled materials and donated to DeLano farms.
Glass art Presentation
For her independent project, Maia created glass art depictions of various types of endangered species native to Michigan, which were displayed at Glass Arts Kalamazoo.
Current Families & Students
Visit this page for monthly updates from Heronwood Field Station lead instructor, Allie Springer.