Candlelight Night Hike
Candlelight Night Hike on the Beech Maple and Habitat Haven Trail. Come hike one trail or both! Wander through our illuminated forest trails with your family, friends, or favorite loved ones. Hot drinks will be served to pair with the crisp winter air (Help reduce waste by bringing your own travel mug).
Fee: $9/Member, $12/Non-Member. Children, $5/child, $10 for 2 or more children.
Advance registration is highly encouraged. Register in advance, come any time to hike!
Check In: Sundial, Visitor Parking Lot
Audience: Families & Adults
Trail conditions can be variable and will be in low light conditions. Wear sturdy shoes and bring a walking stick or a friend to hold if you have challenges on unstable surfaces or clear vision at night. This program will be canceled or postponed if there is extreme weather. A date will be announced if a cancellation occurs.
See all of our upcoming Night Hikes here!