Garlic Mustard Games
Calling all Competitors! Welcome to the Garlic Mustard Games!
As KNC’s Conservation Stewardship staff work year-round to care for and protect KNC’s high-quality natural areas, managing invasive species is a top priority. Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) and dame’s rocket (Hesperis matronalis) are two common invasive species that plague Michigan’s native habitats. These prolific plants spread widely and aggressively by seed, outcompeting important native plants and limiting the diversity on KNC’s lands. By pulling them early in the season before they flower, we can prevent their future spread.
Why are we looking for volunteers?
In 2024, it took KNC’s Ecological Services crew all of spring to hand pull over 1,500 pounds of garlic mustard and dame’s rocket on KNC property. This year, our goal is to beat this total in just two days, with a little help from our friends — and you can join in the fun. We welcome volunteers to celebrate Earth Day by pulling garlic mustard and dame’s rocket alongside our team.
Can I get involved?
Yes! We have two days reserved for our volunteers. We’ll have prizes and serious bragging rights for individuals and teams that pull and bag the highest totals of these pesky plants.
Do you have a whole team already? Bring your whole softball team, show up with your scout troop, or invite your entire department at work.
GROUP VOLUNTEER DATE: Friday, April 25 Contact Joy Penney, KNC’s volunteer coordinator, at to reserve a spot for your organization as we work near Habitat Haven and Fern Valley Trails.
PUBLIC VOLUNTEER DATE: Saturday, April 26 Do you want to come alone, with a friend, or with your family? Join our weekend event! Sign up directly at: Kalamazoo Nature Center: Garlic Mustard Games to help clear the way around DeLano Farm.
AVAILABLE SHIFTS (both days): 10am-12pm, 1pm-3pm, or 4pm-6pm
Fee: Free! Please register.
Register for the Group Volunteer on April 25: Email
Register for the Public Volunteer on April 26 here >