About Us

The Kalamazoo Valley Bird Observatory (KVBO) is a program of the Kalamazoo Nature Center that is over 30 years old! Collaborative research between KVBO and government agencies, universities, and non-governmental organizations allows individual birds to be tracked as they move throughout North America. Surveys, banding, and parasite sampling allows researchers at KVBO to examine how environmental changes, pests, and diseases impact the distribution and demography of bird species.

Annual KVBO Report

This report covers the various birding projects and research conducted over the last year. From spring surveys to fall banding, a highlight reel of the birding work KVBO staff have completed is now available to read here!

Annual Motus Report

The KVBO works with bird observatories around the globe to gather data on bird migration routes using the Motus Wildlife Tracking System, which networks 19 statewide radio receivers. This annual report provides a snapshot of the actual observations made by Michigan receivers over the last year and identifies the associated research projects that tagged each detected bird. To dive deeper into the Motus Wildlife Tracking System visit www.motus.org.

Kleinstuck Spring Migration Bird Surveys

Started in 1973, this survey covers the entire spring migration period and, over the years, has documented 209 species. Check back for weekly updates from April – May each year! See what birds have been coming back to the area, learn more on upcoming birding-related programs here >

Rich Keith
Pronouns: he/him/his
KVBO Director

Kalamazoo Valley Bird Observatory logo - Ruby throated hummingbird

Fall Migratory Bird Banding

Banding birds allows researchers to track and monitor migration patterns and population fluctuations. Birds make ideal research subjects for looking at changes in the environment, such as climate change, because their biology and life history has been extensively studied. The banding process involves recording physical data about the bird, such as weight, wing length, age, and sex, and placing a small, lightweight band with a 9-digit code on the bird’s leg. If a banded bird is recaptured, researchers gain valuable knowledge about where it has traveled. The KVBO shares this data with many different banding programs and institutions, which allows individual birds to be tracked across state and international borders.

KNC’s bird banding efforts are part of the national Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) program coordinated by the Institute for Bird Populations.

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