Roots of WisdomKalamazoo Nature Center Legacy and Lifetime Member Special Invitation:

Luncheon and Tour, Roots of Wisdom: Native Knowledge. Shared Science.

Thursday, March 21, Noon – 2 pm
KNC’s Glen Vista Gallery

After a delicious lunch you’ll be treated to a preview of Roots of Wisdom, KNC’s first major travelling exhibition. In addition, we’ll explore a local component created by members of the Gun Lake Tribe of Pottawatomi, highlighting the story of their protection and restoration of mnomen, wild rice, in the region. KNC Exhibits staff will guide you through the exhibition.

Capacity is limited due to room size; please RSVP by March 10 or as space permits.


Questions? Call Becca at 269-381-1574 ext. 32.

Legacy Giving at the Kalamazoo Nature Center

Certain places have a magic that draws people to them. At the heart of the Kalamazoo Nature Center (KNC) is one such place: Cooper’s Glen. With its towering stands of Beech and Maple trees, abundant wildlife, rolling landscape and Trout Run winding through it, Cooper’s Glen has inspired generations of visitors to appreciate and care for the natural world.
By protecting Cooper’s Glen from encroaching development over 60 years ago, a few community visionaries began a legacy that has developed into one of the foremost nature centers in the world. In the six decades since, the generosity of our community has sustained and expanded this legacy. As KNC begins its second half-century, a new generation of visionaries will carry on the Cooper’s Glen Legacy. We invite you to support KNC’s future through a planned gift that honors your connection to this place and the many experiences that, again and again, nurture our connection to the natural world.

Ways to give

KNC welcomes legacy gifts in many forms and of any amount. You may prefer to make your final gift during your lifetime in order to witness the impact of your generosity. You may wish to plan a gift that will be realized beyond your lifetime. In either case, your legacy gift is appreciated. In addition to a will or trust, KNC benefits from gifts of land, buildings, retirement plan assets, life insurance, personal property, stock or other securities. Your professional advisor can help you structure a gift that reflects your wishes to support KNC’s mission.

Areas of Impact

Unrestricted gifts to KNC support the organization’s greatest needs at any given point in time. If you prefer that your gift supports a particular program, it can be designated to an area of your choosing such as education, conservation, research, financial assistance, facilities, etc.