Kleinstuck Spring Migration Bird Surveys

Started in 1973, this survey covers the entire spring migration period and, over the years, has documented 209 species. Check back for weekly updates from April -May each year!

See the 2021 Kleinstuck Report here >

See the 2022 Kleinstuck Report here >

See the 2023 Kleinstuck Report here >

2024 Kleinstuck Preserve Spring Bird Survey

Acadian flycatcher

May 20-29, 2024

This was the final week of surveys with the final survey taking place on May 29th.  There were 5 new species added to the list this week putting us at 124 species for the season.  The last 5 species were Osprey, Hooded Warbler, and Alder, Willow and Acadian Flycatchers.  Osprey have been around in Kalamazoo…

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May 13 – 19, 2024

This last week I missed a few days due to a family reunion so only a few days were covered with some help from other birders.  I was around however for the best day of the year at Kleinstuck which was on Monday May 13. There was a strong push of birds Sunday night and…

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Black-capped Chickadee Collecting nesting material

May 6 – 12, 2024

I added 6 new species this last week putting me at 114 species for the season.  The six new species were Bay-breasted, Cape-May and Wilson’s Warblers, plus Eastern Kingbird, Red-eyed Vireo and Eastern Wood-Pewee.  It was a decent week weather wise and even though I didn’t add as many new species the numbers of certain…

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April 29 – May 5, 2024

A wonderful week of birding adding 26 new species (highlighted in red) for the year putting us at 108 species now. On Monday the 29th there was a good fall out of birds with numerous warblers being heard for the first time and a Black-billed Cuckoo which is pretty early for this species. Although it…

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Pheucticus ludovicianus

April 22 – April 28, 2024

A good week with 13 new species (Baltimore Oriole, Barn Swallow, Black-throated Green Warbler, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Chimney Swift, Gray Catbird, Great-crested Flycatcher, Green Heron, Least Flycatcher, Lincoln’s Sparrow, Ovenbird, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and Wood Thrush) which now brings our total to 82 species for the season. So, the week did start out a little slow but…

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White-throated Sparrow

April 15 – April 21, 2024

It was a very interesting week adding eight new species to bring the total to 69 now.  The new species were Belted Kingfisher, Blue-headed Vireo, Blue-winged Teal, Broad-winged Hawk, Cedar Waxwing, Chipping Sparrow, Nashville Warbler and Northern Waterthrush.  The Blue-winged Teal are a pair and might be checking this place out for a nesting location. …

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Pileated Woodpecker

April 8 – April 14, 2024

I do my best to survey everyday but this past week I had one day cancelled because of rain April 11th. I was able to add 9 new species to the total for the year bringing us to 61 species now. The new birds included: Great Blue Heron, House Wren, N. Rough-winged Swallow, Palm, Pine,…

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Golden Crowned Kinglet

March 19 – 31, 2024 at Kleinstuck

The best time of the year has started again, Kleinstuck surveys! This past week most of the surveys were performed by a capable volunteer while I was away for Spring break vacation. There were 47 species found during March with no real surprises except maybe the Brown Thrasher which is a little earlier than normal.…

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